Represents a task within the NestTask application.



appIndexInitialised: boolean = false

Flag indicating whether the application index is initialized.

appIndexMemo: undefined | number

Memoized application index associated with the task.

argsInitialised: boolean = false

Flag indicating whether the arguments are initialized.

Memoized array of property metadata for arguments associated with the task.

deprecatedMemo: undefined | boolean

Memoized if task is deprecated

descriptionMemo: undefined | string

Memoized description of the task.

dtoIndexInitialised: boolean = false

Flag indicating whether the DTO index is initialized.

dtoIndexMemo: undefined | number

Memoized DTO index associated with the task.

dtoInitialised: boolean = false

Flag indicating whether the DTO is initialized.

dtoMemo: undefined | AnyClass<any, any>

Memoized DTO (Data Transfer Object) class associated with the task.

loggerIndexInitialised: boolean = false

Flag indicating whether the logger index is initialized.

loggerIndexMemo: undefined | number

Memoized logger index associated with the task.

moduleMemo: undefined | AnyClass<any, any>

Memoized module class associated with the task.

nameMemo: undefined | string

Memoized name of the task.

providersMemo: undefined | AnyClass<any, any>[]

Memoized array of provider classes associated with the task.

runnerMemo: undefined | AnyClass<any, any>

Memoized runner class associated with the task.

task: AnyClass<any, any>

The task class.


  • get appIndex(): undefined | number
  • Retrieves the application index associated with the task.

    Returns undefined | number

  • get deprecated(): boolean
  • Retrieves the array of provider classes associated with the task.

    Returns boolean

  • get dtoIndex(): undefined | number
  • Retrieves the DTO index associated with the task.

    Returns undefined | number

  • get loggerIndex(): undefined | number
  • Retrieves the logger index associated with the task.

    Returns undefined | number

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